What is GSTR 6 Return & how to file GSTR-6?

The GSTR-6 is a monthly return to be filed by all the Input Service Distributors (ISD) for distribution of credit (ITC) amongst its units.

Only those registered taxpayers under the GST as Input Service Distributor (ISD) need to file Form GSTR-6.

It is a mandatory return and needs to file monthly.

A ‘Nil’ return bill has to file in case of no business activity.

You can file your Form GSTR-6 return even if your counterparties have not filed their respective Form GSTR-1 or Form GSTR-5.

You can file this return online and there is an offline tool also available.

What is the due date for GSTR-6 Return?

The due date for GSTR6 Return is 13th of the next month?

How to download GSTR6 Form online?

You can download GSTR6 FORM online just click on the given link- form GSTR-6

How to file GSTR-6 Return?

An Input Service Distributors (ISD) can file the GSTR-6 return on GST Portal with the help of these following steps-

Login and Navigate to GSTR-6 page on Portal

  • First of all, Access the GST Portal or URL. The GST Home page will display.
  • Then Log in to the GST Portal with valid credentials.
  • After that, Click the Services > Returns > Returns Dashboard command.
  • Alternatively, you can also click the Returns Dashboard link on the Dashboard.
  • Now the Files Returns page will display. Select the Financial Year & Return Filing Period (month) for which you want to file the return from the drop-down list.
  • Then click the SEARCH button.
  • Now the Files Returns page will display. In the GSTR-6 tile, click the PREPARE ONLINE button if you want to prepare the return by making online entries on the GST Portal.

Generate Form GSTR-6 Summary

  • First of all, scroll down to the bottom of the Form GSTR-6 – Return for Input Service Distributor page and click the GENERATE GSTR6 SUMMARY button.
  • The Status should reflect as ‘Not Filed’. In case the Status is ‘Filed’, Form GSTR-6 for the same month/tax period cannot be filed again.
  • A confirmation message will display at the top of the page. You can check the status in some time.

Enter details in various tiles

There are three sub-headings representing Tables to enter relevant details. Click on the tile names to know and enter related details:

Form GSTR-6 Invoice Details:

  • 3 – Input tax credit received for distribution: To enter details of input tax credit received for distribution.
  • 6B – Debit Notes/ Credit Notes Received: To enter details of debit or credit notes received.
  • 6A – Amendment of information furnished in earlier returns in Table 3: To make amendments to information furnished in earlier returns in Table 3.
  • 6C – Amendment of Debit Notes/Credit Notes received: To make amendments to debit or credit notes received.

Form GSTR-6 ITC Distribution:

  • 4 – Total ITC available and Eligible ITC/Ineligible ITC distributed: To view details of ITC available and eligible and ineligible ITC distributed.
  • 5, 8 – Distribution of input tax credit (ISD Invoices & ISD Credit notes): To enter details of the distribution of input tax credit for ISD invoices and ISD Credit notes.
  • 9 – Redistribution of ITC distributed in earlier returns – To enter details of ITC available and eligible and ineligible ITC redistributed.

Preview Form GSTR-6

  • Once you have entered all the details, click the PREVIEW button.
  • And this button will download the draft Summary page of your GSTR-6 for your review.
  • Further, the taxpayer is recommended to download this Summary page and review the summary of entries made in different sections with patience before submitting GSTR-6 and the PDF file generated would bear the watermark of the draft.
  • Keep in mind, The submit button will freeze the invoices uploaded in the GSTR-6 for that particular month.

Acknowledge and Submit Form GSTR6 to freeze data

  • Now select the acknowledgment check-box stating that you have reviewed the details of preview and the information furnished is correct, and you are aware that no changes can be made after submitting.
  • Once you click the acknowledgment, the SUBMIT button will be enabled.
  • Then click the SUBMIT button on the landing page to submit GSTR6.
  • Note: The submit button will freeze the invoices uploaded in GSTR6 for that particular month. You will be not able to upload any further invoices for that month.
  • Click the PROCEED button to accept the Warning message.
  • Click the PROCEED button again to accept the message that says you are about to submit GSTR6 and asks whether you would like to proceed, suggesting that no changes can be made to this return after submitting.
  • A success message will display at the top of the page. Once you submit the data, data will freeze and you cannot change any fields.
  • Then refresh the page.
  • After that, Status of GSTR6 changes to Submitted after the submission of GSTR6.
  • Then click the PREVIEW button again, to download the submitted GSTR6 in PDF format.
  • The PDF file generated would now bear the watermark of the final Form GSTR-6.

Offset Late fee

  • Once you submit Form GSTR-6, 10 – Late Fee tile gets enabled. To view details of late fee, click the 10 – Late Fee tile.
  • Click the OFFSET LATE FEE button.
  • The late fee is offset and the debit number is displayed.

File Form GSTR-6 with DSC/ EVC

  • Now the return will have to verify then click the FILE WITH DSC or FILE WITH EVC button to file the FORM GSTR6.
  • If filing with DSC
  • Then click the PROCEED button.
  • and select the certificate and click the SIGN button.
  • If filing with EVC
  • Then enter the OTP sent on the e-mail and mobile phone number of the Authorized Signatory registered at the GST Portal, and click the VERIFY button.
  • Then the success message will display. Refresh the page.
  • Notes: The status of GSTR6 changes to Filed.
  • On filing GSTR6, notification along with the generated ARN is sent to the Authorized Signatory through e-mail and SMS.
  • Then click the BACK button.

View Form GSTR 6 Status

  • After filing, On the File Returns page, select the Financial Year and Return Filing Period (Month) for which you have just filed Form GSTR6.
  • Click the SEARCH button.
  • Status of the GSTR6 return changes to “Filed“.

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