SBIN0040632 IFSC Code & Swift code for SBI, Gandhi Nagar, MICR Code- 110002707, Branch Code- 40632, State Bank of India, 409, Jheel Khurinja, Gandhi Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi-110031
IFSC Code | SBIN0040632 |
MICR Code | 110002707 |
Swift Code | Not available ( firstly, contact to your branch for swift code or can be used nearest same branch swift code or SBININBB (8 digit code) or SBININBBXXX (SBI Head office swift code) |
Branch Code | 40632 |
Bank Name | State Bank of India |
Branch Name | Gandhi Nagar, Delhi |
Address | 409, Jheel Khurinja, Gandhi Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi-110031 |
City | Gandhi Nagar, Delhi |
District | Delhi |
State | New Delhi |
Branch Contact No | 011 22079770 |
Branch email Id | |
Customer care | Please Call SBI’s 24X7 helpline number i.e. 1800 11 2211 (toll-free), 1800 425 3800 (toll-free) or 080-26599990. Toll-free numbers are accessible from all landlines and mobile phones in the country.” |
Weekly Off | Sunday and 2nd and 4th Saturday |
Branch business Hours | 10 am to 4 pm |
Contents of this post
IFSC Code for the State Bank of India R.K. Puram Branch is SBIN0040632. This IFSC Code is required when a person wants to transfer money from one bank account to another bank account through NEFT, IMPS, and RTGS, etc.
The MICR Code for the SBI, Gandhi Nagar Branch is 110002707. And you would like to know also where it is required.
So, MICR code is a code printed on cheques using MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition technology). This enables identification of the cheques and which in turns means faster processing. A MICR code is a 9-digit code that uniquely identifies the bank and branch participating in an Electronic Clearing System (ECS).
Therefore, if you have any cheque then you can check out that there will be printed a MICR Code which represents the bank and branch.
The swift code for SBI, Gandhi Nagar having IFSC Code -SBIN0040632 is SBININBB (8 digit code) or SBININBBXXX ( Head office) For more details visit this post list of SBI swift codes
All SWIFT codes consist of 8 or 11 characters. An 11 digit code refers to a specific branch, while an 8 digit code (or one ending in ‘XXX’) refers to the bank’s head office. SWIFT code registrations are handled by the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT). The term SWIFT is often used interchangeably with BIC, which stands for Bank Identifier Code.
If your SBI branch have not swift code then you should use first nearest SBI branch code and after all, if you have not found any swift code of the nearest branch then you can use the SBI Head office swift code which is SBININBB (8 digit code) or SBININBBXXX ( Head office)
The branch code for SBI (State Bank of India) Gandhi Nagar is 40632. And the branch code can be found in the branch IFSC Code because the last 6 digits of the IFSC Codes represent the branch code.
SBI Gandhi Nagar Branch address- 409, Jheel Khurinja, Gandhi Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi-110031 which having IFSC Code- SBIN0040632, branch code 40632, Swift code, MICR Code-110002707 in the Delhi state in India under SBI public sector bank.
Disclaimer– The information is provided as per RBI data for SBI Branches in India. And which is accurate from our website if you found any short or wrong information then we always welcome all viewers who let us know discrepancies or mistakes by commenting in this post to serve you better.
Nearest SBI branch in Gandhi Nagar Delhi area are given bellow-