steps to prepare form GST ANX-1

Prepare form GST ANX-1: by an offline tool

We need to know all steps to prepare form GST ANX-1 by an offline tool cause of implementation of new GST RETURNS from 01 July 2019.

As per old ways of gst returns, we can easily understand steps to file new gst returns are the same ways but some new improvement needs to know to understand the new process.

Therefore, all easy steps to prepare form GST ANX-1 by an offline tool are as follow:

A. Add/ Modify Profile

First of all, need to Navigate to URL –

Read the instructions and click Proceed to Prototype button given at the bottom of the page. You will navigate to the Profile page.

Click the User Manual link on top right of the page and make appropriate selection. Selected User Manual will open up in PDF format.

 Click here to read instructions link at the bottom of the page will navigate you to the instructions page

 Begin by adding profile of the taxpayer. Click Manage Profile > Add Profile. Note:

  • Adding profiles in Master List helps in saving the most frequently used GSTIN and their details, which will be available as a quick link for future use.
  • In this prototype the Profile data cannot be edited or saved.
  • Furthermore, profile data of a GSTIN is prefilled in this prototype, which cannot be edited.

5. Add the details of the GSTIN and click Add button. Once the profile is added. You can Edit or Delete the profile. Once the profile is added, click the BACK button. Once Profile is added, you can Modify the added profile.

6. Select the GSTIN of the profile, add in the previous step, and add Financial Year and Tax period applicable and click Proceed

B. Open the “Home” Screen of the Offline Tool

7. From the Home screen, Open Downloaded JSON to download and import ANX-1 JSON File from the GST Portal into this utility. Upon successful processing of file, the details would be populated in respective Tables.

8. You can OPEN Error JSON FILE to download and import ANX-1 JSON Error File from the GST Portal into this utility. Upon successful processing of file, the details would be populated in respective Tables.

9. Click Prepare Offline button to begin preparing your data for GST ANX-1 and open the Dashboard.

10. Dashboard gives you following options:

  • IMPORT EXCEL/ CSV FILES – To import the filled up Excel template (available with the downloaded offline tool)/ CSV files containing the ANX-1 details.
  • OPEN DOWNLOADED JSON FILE – To open the GST ANX-1 JSON file downloaded from GST portal into the Offline Tool. Upon successful processing of file, the details are populated in respective Tables.
  • REMOVE DATA IN ALL TABLES – To remove the records from all tables of the tool.
  • GENERATE JSON FILE TO UPLOAD – To generate JSON file for uploading of GST ANX-1 details, prepared offline.
  • EXPORT TO EXCEL – To export the details as available in offline tool to an excel file.

11. Click IMPORT EXCEL/CSV FILES to start importing the ANX-1 details available locally on your machine

C. Import Data Using EXCEL or CSV FILES

12. Click IMPORT EXCEL to import the filled up Excel template (available with the downloaded offline tool) containing the ANX-1 details. Upon successful import of excel file, the details will be auto populated in respective tables.

13. Alternatively, click IMPORT CSV to import the filled up CSV containing the ANX-1 details. Upon successful import of CSV file, the details will be auto populated in respective tables. However, before you import the CSV, you need to select the relevant table in the Select Table drop-down list to import details related to it.

14. Once ANX-1 details are imported, click the VIEW SUMMARY to view the imported details in a summarized version.

15. Navigate BACK.

D. View Summary

16. Click VIEW SUMMARY to view the data imported

17. Select the relevant document type for which you want to view the summary of imported details.

E. Prepare Table-wise Details:

18. Select the table in which you want to view, edit or enter details.

  • 3A- Supplies to unregistered persons/consumers (B2C)
  • 3B- Supplies to registered persons (B2B)
  • 3C & 3D- Exports with/without payment of tax (EXP)
  • 3E & 3F- Supplies to SEZ with/without payment of tax (SEZ)
  • 3G- Deemed exports (DE)
  • 3H- Inward supplies attracting reverse charge (RCM)
  • 3I- Import of goods (IMPG)
  • 3J- Import of services (IMPS)
  • 3K- Import of goods from SEZ units/developers (IMPG SEZ)
  • 3L- Missing documents (provisional credit availed)
  • 4- Supplies made through e-commerce operators
  • 3BA. Amendment regular- registered persons (B2BA)
  • 3BAO. Amendment (others)- registered persons (B2BAO)
  • 3EA & 3FA. Amendment- Supplies to SEZ with/without payment of tax (SEZA)
  • 3GA. Amendment- Deemed exports (DEA)

F. View Draft Return

19. Click the VIEW DRAFT RETURN to view draft Return FORM GST RET-1. The offline tool will auto-fill the details in this draft return, based on the details imported to various tables and these details will be not- editable.

Prepare form GST ANX-1 – will be easy and better than before.

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