Delivery Note: A Complete Guide

A delivery Note is an important document used for the delivery of goods from one place to another on the sale of any item. This makes an important role to confirm the delivery of goods or item to the purchaser and it is used in the transportation of any goods which is required delivery.

Introduction to Delivery Note

In the area of logistics and business operations, efficient communication and documentation are paramount. The delivery note serves as a crucial tool in these aspects, facilitating accurate record-keeping and ensuring a seamless flow of goods. This article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding, creating, and utilizing delivery notes effectively.

What is a Delivery Note?

A delivery note, also known as a delivery receipt or packing slip, is a document issued by a seller to confirm the dispatch of goods to a buyer. It includes essential details about the goods being shipped and serves as a reference for both parties involved in the transaction.

What are the Components of a Delivery Note?

These are the components of a Delivery Note-

  1. Sender and Recipient Information– A delivery note begins with the names, addresses, and contact details of both the sender (supplier) and the recipient (buyer).
  2. Description of Goods-A clear and concise description of the goods is essential. This can include the item name, model number, and any specific details that distinguish the goods.
  3. Quantity and Unit of Measurement– The quantity of each item being delivered should be clearly indicated, along with the unit of measurement (e.g., pieces, kilograms, meters).
  4. Date and Delivery Details-The date of dispatch and the expected delivery date are crucial for tracking purposes. Additionally, any special delivery instructions or conditions can be included.

Delivery notes format example

Here is an example of the format of the Delivery Notes which you can edit by downloading-

What is the Purpose and Importance of Delivery Notes?

These are the importance of Delivery Notes-

  1. Record of Shipment-Delivery notes provides an official record of the goods shipped, ensuring transparency and accountability between the seller and buyer.
  2. Documentation for Payment and Verification-Delivery notes serve as supporting documentation for invoices and payments. They help buyers verify the received goods against their orders.
  3. Dispute Resolution– In case of discrepancies or disputes, the delivery note can serve as evidence of what was sent and received, helping to resolve issues efficiently.

How to Create a Delivery Note?

There are 2 ways to create a Delivery Note-

  1. Manual Creation– Traditional handwritten or printed delivery notes involve filling in the required information on a pre-designed template.
  2. Using Digital Tools– Digital solutions offer streamlined creation and management of delivery notes. Various software and apps provide customizable templates for easy generation.

What are the Common Mistakes that Should Avoid in Delivery Notes?

These are the common mistakes to avoid-

  1. Inaccurate Details– Ensure all information, including item descriptions and quantities, is accurate and matches the order.
  2. Missing Signatures– Both parties should sign the delivery notes to acknowledge receipt of goods.
  3. Lack of Consistency- Maintain a consistent format and information layout for all delivery notes.

Do I need to keep delivery notes?

It is advised to Both customers and suppliers to attach the delivery notes, or a copy, to the invoice and then archive them for a period of six years.

Physical delivery notes that have been signed or have a date stamp can be digitized easily, advises Ionos. “As long as it’s legible, you can simply scan the document and place it in your computer files. It will save you a lot of money and you can quickly access all of your dispatched delivery notes on your computer whenever you need them.”

Can a delivery note include the price?

it is inadvisable, while a delivery note can display the prices of products and the total amount paid. You do not know if the order was a gift or if something has been ordered from one business and is being sold by somebody else for a profit. The logic is that the person who is delivering or even receiving the goods should not see the cost. However, depending on the industry and the products being shipped, some suppliers do choose to include unique product numbers.

Maintaining Consistency and Accuracy

Consistency in formatting, terminology, and details across all delivery notes is crucial to avoid confusion and errors.

Delivery Note Digitalization and Future Trends

With advancements in technology, digital delivery notes are becoming more prevalent. Cloud-based systems and mobile apps offer real-time tracking and accessibility.


A well-prepared delivery note streamlines the movement of goods, fosters transparency, and facilitates accurate record-keeping. By understanding the components, purpose, and best practices of creating delivery notes, businesses can enhance their logistics operations and strengthen their communication with customers and suppliers.

FAQs on the Delivery note

1. Can a digital signature be used on a delivery note?

Yes, digital signatures are legally accepted for acknowledging receipt on digital delivery notes.

2. Is a delivery note the same as an invoice?

No, a delivery note confirms the shipment of goods, while an invoice requests payment for those goods.

3. Do I need to send a physical copy of the delivery notes?

Physical copies are often included with the shipment for the recipient’s records. Digital copies can also be sent via email.

4. Are delivery notes legally required?

While not always legally mandated, delivery notes serve as important documentation for business operations and customer relations.

5. Can delivery notes be customized to include company branding?

Yes, many digital tools allow you to customize delivery note templates with your company’s branding.

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