ration card status

Ration card status: View, track, search, update more

Ration card status: if you want to view ration card status online then you are in the right place. Here you will be able to know how to track or view your applied ration card status online. For this, it is very important to know about the NFS website of the Department of Food, supplies, and consumer affairs in Delhi.

Where can I see ration card status?

For tracking ration card details online you will have to visit the NFS Website https://nfs.delhigovt.nic.in/ directly.

and moreover, you can search in Google online with this keyword- ration card status or track ration card status.

ration card status
ration card status nfs Delhi

How to track ration card status in Delhi?

If you want to track your ration card status then, you have to apply online or offline first. when you will apply online or offline then you will get an application no for tracking purpose or future reference. After applying, you can track it online by visiting the NFS website by following these simple steps-

  • First of all, visit the official site or search in Google ration card status then https:// nfs.delhi.gov.in
  • After reaching the official website go to the citizen corner then
  • Click on Track Your Food Security Application Details
  • After that, an applicant can track the current status of her/his application submitted for getting food security benefits by providing any of the following information.
1.Aadhar Number of any Family Member
2.NFS Application ID/Online Citizen ID
3.New ration card No(like 077….)
4.Old ration card No(like AAY12…)
  • Just enter any one detail and then click on the search button.

I have applied offline then can I track ration card status online?

Yes, you can track your ration card status online whether you have applied offline. Because ration card now totally linked with aadhar card number so if you have aadhar card no then you can track it easily online.

For this, you have to follow the same process of tracking online. And there you have to enter aadhaar card no of any member or head of the family. And when you will enter aadhaar card no then if ration card issued to you, will show you ration card details and if not issued then will not show you any details.

How to know your fair price shop (ration shop)?

You can know the details of your Fair Price Shop to which your National Food Security Card is attached for providing you the ration as per your entitlement by providing any of the following information:

1.Aadhar Number of any Family Member
2.NFS Application ID/Online Citizen ID
3.New ration card No(like 077….)
4.Old ration card No(like AAY12…)
  1. First of all, visit the official site or search in Google ration card status then https:// nfs.delhi.gov.in
  2. After reaching the official website go to the citizen corner then
  3. Click on Know Your Fair Price Shop
  4. After that, You can know the details of your Fair Price Shop to which your National Food Security Card is attached for providing you the ration

How to track your ration coming to your ration shop?

You can track your ration coming to your ration shop for you anytime online for the current month with the help of these steps-

  1. First of all, visit the official site or search in Google ration card status then https:// nfs.delhi.gov.in
  2. After reaching the official website go to the citizen corner then
  3. Click on Know Your ration coming to Your FPS
  4. after clicking you can track your ration for the current months while it is coming to your FPS.
  5. But you have to enter your ration card no and need to select month and year.
  6. Then you are to click on the Search button then your ration will show according to your number of members.

How to view your ration card details online?

You can find the details of your ration card by providing any of the following information by using these steps online.

1.Aadhar Number of any Family Member
2.NFS Application ID/Online Citizen ID
3.New ration card No(like 077….)
4.Old ration card No(like AAY12…)
  1. First of all, visit the official site or search in Google ration card status then https:// nfs.delhi.gov.in
  2. After reaching the official website go to the citizen corner then
  3. Click on View Your Ration Card Details
  4. Then enter any one detail which you have
  5. after that click on the search button to get the result.

How to search ration card details by name or mobile no?

If you have any one out of name of head of the family, registered mobile number, father/ husband name or House no. and you want to search then you have to follow these steps-

  1. First of all, visit the official site or search in Google ration card status then https:// nfs.delhi.gov.in
  2. After reaching the official website go to the citizen corner then
  3. Click on View Your Ration Card Details
  4. Then enter any one detail which you are required if not have then click on the link given below the search button.
  5. Click Here to Search by Name of HOF, Father/Husband Name, House No, Mobile No.
  6. after that, you will be required to enter anyone details such as
  7. Name of HOF, Father/Husband Name, House No, Mobile No.
  8. Just enter and click on the search button then you will able to see ration card details as per entered details.

How to update & register mobile no in ration card?

An applicant can register or change the mobile no online by submitting the request for getting SMS Alerts of food security by providing the following information.

1.Aadhar Number of Head of household
2.Name of Head of Household (as Mentioned on Ration Card)
3.Ration card No(like 077….)
4.New Mobile Number
  1. First of all, visit the official site or search in Google ration card status then https:// nfs.delhi.gov.in
  2. After reaching the official website go to the citizen corner then
  3. Click on View Your Ration Card Details
  4. Then enter all details which you are required to be entered. after that, click on the Save button
  5. And, then your mobile no will be updated or registered for all ration card notification.

One Reply to “Ration card status: View, track, search, update more”

  1. ImoForpc

    Great blog post! I’m excited to learn more about the benefits of the GST Portal India’s ration card status feature. Can you elaborate more on how to view, track, search, and update the status of my ration card? Thanks!

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