UPIC: Unique Property Identification Code in Delhi

UPIC Number- Unique Property Identification Code

UPIC Number is assigned to the 56 wards of East Delhi Municipal Corporation which consists of the whole Trans Yamuna area of Delhi, comprising 64 Municipal Wards/16 Assembly Constituencies. It has an area of 105.98 sq. km. with a population of over 40 lakhs. Thus, almost 25% of Delhi’s population resides in 1/8 of Delhi’s total area. The East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC) has 64 WARDS and 919 COLONIES under its jurisdiction.

So in this post on our blog, Gstportalindia will know about U.P.I.C Numbers such as meaning, types, wards, areas, and more faqs.

What is UPIC?

UPIC- Unique Property Identification Code, issued for your property. The Government has started to assign a unique number that will help to identify your property and that will help you to avail of municipal services. A UPIC Card will be issued to the owner for each property means in the case of owners having multiple properties, they will receive a Card for each property.

Firstly, the UPIC Card has been issued to the citizens having a property in the East Delhi Municipal Corporation area and the UPIC NO is already available on the website www.edmcupic.in for 56 wards of EDMC including-

  • Mayur Vihar Phase-1
  • Kishan Kunj
  • Shakarpur
  • Trilokpuri East
  • Krishna Nagar
  • Raghubarpura
  • Dilshad Colony
  • Dilshad Garden
  • Ashok Nagar
  • Rohtash Nagar and more.

And if You have a property in these above areas then you can search for your UPIC Number and can get a UPIC Card by applying.

How to search UPIC Number for your Property?

You can search for your unique property identification code/no with the help of your mobile no, Name, Address, or zone-wise on EDMC authorized website www.edmcupic.in by following these steps-

1. First of all, search on Google EDMC linked website www.edmcupic.in

2. After reaching the website just then click on a link- click here for the list of UPIC numbers of 56 wards running on the screen.

3. After that, select your zone> ward> then the area

4. And find your property in the list if your property address or name shows then your UPICno will be there.

5. And on the other hand, you can search by entering your mobile no, owner name, or address.

Unique property identification code

6. Then you can apply online or wait for the door-to-door property verification for UPIC Card.

7. And you can contact citizen helpline no-155303 for more queries

8. and you can read also more faqs on UPIC in EDMC wards given below as per EDMC from the source of www.edmcupic.in such as

How to search for the UPIC Number on the MCD Website in your area?

Now you can find the UPIC No of your property on MCD Websites according to your zones such as EDMC, SDMC, and NDMC. Here we will be able to know how to find the UPIC No of your property on the EDMC website- Just need to follow these simple steps-

1. First of all, need to visit your area’s MCD site for example EDMC.

2. Then you will see a property tax link over there just click on Citizen Login.

3. Here you will be asked to log in but you can not log in without signup so firstly signup yourself.

4. Just signup with your mobile number and email id.

5. Then you can log in by mobile no or email id and after login, you will see an option to search property.

6. Just click on the Search Property option then you will see many options to search.


7. Try anyone according to your situation then you will be able to see your property details such as U.P.I.C NO, Reference No, Tax paid details, etc.

8. And if you did not find your UPICNO then try here and after all not found then you should apply for that.

How to create a new UPIC ID to pay property tax online?

In case, you are unable to find out your UPIC No for your property then you can create a new UPIC Number just by entering your property details online by following these simple steps-

  1. Visit the citizen portal of the MCD site https://mcdonline.nic.in/citizenedmc/web/citizen/info
  2. On the portal, just register yourself with your mobile no and email ID, and if already registered then login to the portal.
  3. After login, just need to click on apply for new UPICAPPLY FOR NEW UPIC
  4. Then a proper form will open, just fill in all required details as required for example
    • Ownership type, category
    • Property type, category
    • Location details
    • property address
    • owner details
  5. And click on declaration without uploading documents and then submit.
  6. Now your new UPIC no will be created.
  7. After getting UPIC No, you can use it to add more details about property and property details for property tax calculation.

How to add new or missing property if not showing in search results?

Yes if you did not find your UPIC No in the search result then you can add your property details by using these simple steps

  1. First of all, search on Google EDMC linked website www.edmcupic.in
  2. After reaching the website just then click on the tab- Services> new and missing property
  3. After clicking on the new and missing property tab, you will see a form for filling in your property details.
  4. Now fill out the form by providing all required details as per the request type as new or missing.
  5. In this form, you will provide the details shown below images.
  6. And at the last, you can submit your form.

Property address,

primary owner details,

property portion details,

and required documents upload

What is the UPIC Card?

UPIC Card is a card having a ( UPIC Numer) Unique Property Identification Code, issued for your property. A unique number will be assigned to your property that will help you to avail of municipal services.

Who is eligible to get a U.P.I.C.?

The citizen having a property in the East Delhi Municipal Corporation area is only eligible to get a UPIC Card. Note that each property has to allocate a UPIC, and in the case of owners having multiple properties, then they will receive a Card for each property.

How do I apply for a UPIC Card?

The representative from East, DMC will visit your property to collect your property information. Based on your property information, you will get your UPIC Card. In case your premises are locked, please visit East Delhi Municipal Corporation, Community Centre, Block-12, Ward No. E024, Geeta Colony, Sahadara South Zone, Delhi-110031.

Why am I unable to register my property UPIC in my login ID?

Some people are getting an issue related to the payment of prop tax. they are unable to add UPIC numbers in their registered Login ID because it is not allowed to add a UPIC_number in 2 different IDs from different mobile numbers. hence this issue is coming. Here you should have to delete your UPIC_number from one registered mobile number then you can add it to another registered mobile no.

What is the use of the UPIC card?

The UPIC card is very helpful in availing municipal services. You can find your property details on the MCD website through this card. You can file or modify your property tax return online if you have this card.

What documents do I need to obtain a UPIC?

You need to submit the ownership proof of your property at the time of data collection. It could be either a registered sale deed, conveyance deed, electricity Bill, fixed-line telephone bill, or Municipal Tax receipt. In case you need to avail of any rebate then you have to submit the relevant proof.

What are the charges for getting the UPIC?

The card is totally free for the first time. If for some reason, you need to get a new one, it will cost Rs 71

What if I do not get a UPIC_NO?

You will get a UPIC within a couple of months of the completion of the survey at your premises. Please be patient, a surveyor will certainly visit your premises. If it has been more than 2 months since the survey has been completed at your premises.

Then please call the UPIC_ helpline number to report your issue stating the date of the visit, the name of the surveyor, your property address, and the name of the owner.

If all properties in your neighborhood have received UPI-code then your premises may have been locked at the time of the survey or someone at your premises refused entry to the surveyor, you may still call the UPIC_ helpline to inquire if your property has been covered and request an appointment to furnish information about your property and schedule a visit.

I do not live in Delhi, How do I apply for U.P.I.C?

If your property is occupied, you may simply instruct the occupier to cooperate with the surveyor, provide copies of requisite documents, and furnish your current address for correspondence/contact details. Unique property identification no will be delivered to your premises which you can collect from the occupier subsequently.

I already have a UPIC and pay property tax on time. Why do I need a new UPIC?

The current initiative is to get your property assessed based on the details that you will provide to our representatives. Your assessed property will help EDMC in building and revalidating the details of the property. Based on the details provided, you will be issued a UPIC_Card which will be used for all future transactions.

I have never paid property tax before. Will the MCD recover past tax dues after I get the UPICNo?

Properties that have not been assessed to tax in the earlier system would be liable to pay tax from the date of coming into force of the new system only.

Further Faqs on UPIC

1. What is the UPIC number in MCD?

A unique Property Identification Code (UPIC Number) is a 15-digit alphanumeric code. It is mandatory to pay tax for every property. In case your property doesn’t have UPIC, kindly Apply For a New UPIC for payment of property tax.

2. What is the UPIC helpline Number?

you can contact citizen helpline no-155303 for more queries on UPIC.

3. How to check the UPIC Number status?

First of all, search on Google EDMC linked website www.edmcupic.in then open Services click on track status after that enter the reference number and submit for status.

4. Who can get a UPIC card?

The citizen having property in the East Delhi Municipal Corporation area is only eligible to get a UPIC Card. 

5. What does UPIC stand for?

UPIC stands for Unique Property Identification Code.

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23 Replies to “UPIC: Unique Property Identification Code in Delhi”

  1. Kamal Prakash

    Hello, Need to apply for UPIC Number , Resident of North Shadra Zone, Colony Dilshad Garden, J& K Pocket , when i login to Citizen Portal not able to find Dilshad Garden in Drop down list.
    Request Guidance to Get UPIC Number in EDMC – North Shadra – Zone.

  2. ashok kumar gupta

    I have UPIC card.But when i pay property tax online,i observed that UPIC number linked with my property given on website is different than the UPIC No printed on the physical card.I think it may be a printing mistake on the physical card.How to get the card with correct number orif the number on physical card is correct,how to get the UPIC number corrected in the website of SDMC
    Pls guide

  3. Hemant Kumar Gupta

    My husband has been paying tax on property mutated to him( inheritance) since last 7 years
    On the old site the name of the Property is shown in his name
    On the new EDMC portal , the property is shown as still in his father’s name ( IHe inherited this in 2012 , UPIC shows status ‘UPIC not released ‘ – submit documents
    Please advise how to proceed
    Since we have recently come to Delhi ( was in another city before retirement) I came to know about this recently

  4. Hemant Kumar Gupta

    I have been paying tax on property mutated to me ( inheritance) since last 7 years
    On the old site the name of the Property is shown in my name
    On the new EDMC portal , the property is shown as still in my father’s name ( I inherited this in 2012 , UPIC shows status ‘UPIC not released ‘ – submit documents
    Please advise how to proceed
    Since i have recently come to Delhi ( was in another city before retirement) I came to know about this recently

  5. Dharam Veer Jain

    What is the pin for the UPIC ID while logging onto the Login as citizen portal?
    I have got my UPIC ID, but dont have any means to log into the system and then pay my dues

    • Authored by Mayur Kumar

      Existing Registered/Sign-up users logged in by using (as per their Sign-up details)
      (i) Mobile Number and OTP
      (ii) User-ID/Password (Email and OTP)
      Sign-up (New User) has two options,
      i) Individual/Pvt. Taxpayers should use Mobile and OTP,
      (ii) Govt/board/corporations can use User-ID/Password (Email and OTP)

  6. Neeraj Gautam

    Hi sir,

    I have applied for UPIC id on 26 July 2021, its been more then 15 days and I haven’t received my UPIC id yet,

    My registration no is 49796, kindly look in this matter.

    Neeraj Gautam

  7. Tarun

    Hi Mayur,

    Actually I registered my UPIC in login of an Property Tax Advisor and calculated taxes there as well as Paid Property Tax and Submitted Property Tax Return from his login ID.
    Now I tried to search and add my UPIC into my Login ID, But It gave me information UPIC already in Use, Request for UPIC Release.

    I do not know now what to do. How can I register my property in my login ID. Instead of Property tax Advisor’s Login ID.
    Please Guide!


  8. Rohit

    I have been paying property tax online for the many years regularly in East MCD. I have a Property ID, but now I can’t pay my property tax because I don’t have the UPIC. How will I get one? The Property ID or last year receipt or the locality and owner name is not recognized in the system. What do I do?



    UPIC NUMBER 102071810031500


  10. Gagan

    My propert ID is 251917010720. Unable to retrieve my records on property tax portal. How to obtain this UPIC. please guide. Thanx


    I have been paying property Tax for the last 15 years in North Delhi Muncipal Corporation. My property ID is 187362013040. I have paid property Tax upto year 2019-20 and paid Property Tax Receipt No. is G8-5858824 dt. 23.06.2019. How do I get my UPIC?

  12. Sunil Takyar

    I have been paying property tax online for the last 7 years regularly in North MCD. I have a Property ID, but now I can’t pay my property tax because I don’t have the UPIC. How will I get one? The Property ID or last year receipt or the locality and owner name is not recognized in the system. What do I do?


      I have been paying property tax online for the last 7 years regularly in North MCD. I have a Property ID, but now I can’t pay my property tax because I don’t have the UPIC. How will I get one? The Property ID or last year receipt or the locality and owner name is not recognized in the system. What do I do?

      same is happening with me
      please suggest what to do

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